Work Experience:
Hardware and Networking

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Cybersecurity, DevSecOps,
and IT




Hardware and

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Improved installation time of pharmacy inventory management software by writing, reorganizing, and single-sourcing content in markup language XML, then testing the content.
Coordinated translators, product managers, developers, and testers to produce online help content in four languages, ensuring accuracy and consistency.
Updated the customer-facing administrator guide, online help, and release notes.
Contributed to process development, organizational processes, and the department style guide, enhancing quality and efficiency.
​Created documentation for software for different audiences, including end users, admins, developers, integrators, and DevSecOps.
Drafted and edited research papers for a non-technical, government audience about radio frequency interference (RFI), supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA), cybersecurity, and satellite systems.
Wrote status reports for a team that researched the progress in artificial intelligence AI and machine learning ML projects, increasing project efficiency.
Collaborated extensively with engineers, product managers, security, and other stakeholders to translate complex technical concepts into clear, concise, and user-friendly content, including real-life examples and use cases.
Documented procedures like setting up tablets, connecting to the network, and using internal software, improving user efficiency.
Created knowledge-based articles about network security and desktop virtualization services, enhancing user knowledge and best practices, and leading to a 10% increase in compliance.
Developed documentation processes, style guide, and templates, ensuring consistency across the organization.
Created a company-wide newsletter to inform users of best practices when using computers and software.
Created online content for high-capacity disk arrays with virtual machine (VM)-based controllers that interfaced with Internet of Things IoT (IoT) software. Example: VS1110A Doc Center
Produced quick-start guides that detailed installation and configuration of backup storage servers, reducing setup time by 15%.
Participated in tests to ensure server documentation accuracy and clarity.
IT Technical Writer
MYR Group
September 2020 - October 2021
Thornton, CO, USA
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